Jewellery with a peridot – symbolism and properties of this gemstone

Peridot is a unique gemstone characterised by a glassy lustre with a cat's eye effect. The hue of this gemstone is sometimes compared to the colour of green olives, hence its name. Peridot is a mineral with extensive symbolism to which a number of miraculous properties are attributed. Due to its noble varieties, peridot and chrysolite are also known as peridot. It is regarded as a lucky, friendly stone full of mysterious charm. It symbolises fame and dignity, but is also considered the patron saint of healers. Peridot is often used to make jewellery and is a collector's stone.

  1. What are the properties of the peridot?
  2. Importance and uses of the peridot
  3. The peridot in jewellery

What are the properties of the peridot?

It is believed that peridot has a positive effect on health and is a remedy for many troublesome ailments. People who are on a diet believe in its power because it is said to help detoxify the body, speed up digestion and improve metabolism. It also stimulates regeneration processes, increases vitality and strength and deepens breathing. According to some, peridot helps to protect the lungs and sinuses from infections, facilitates the absorption of nutrients and improves the quality of sleep. A necklace with peridot can also relieve nervousness, attract love, promote emotional balance and help to understand changes in life and provide a sense of harmony. Peridot is also said to stimulate the ability to think creatively. It is also said to help repair and maintain friendships. It is believed to free the mind from thoughts of jealousy and soothe anger, ensuring a successful relationship. Peridot has been officially recognised as the birthstone of August.

Importance and uses of the peridot

Peridot is not only a beautiful gemstone, but also a stone that helps people with a tendency to melancholy to find their balance. In the past, it also served as protection against the loss of wealth, which is why it is still considered a symbol for bankers and merchants today. Some believe that peridot favours the appearance of money and circumstances arising from money. It is also a unique and unusual stone, as it has been used to make jewellery and amulets since ancient times. Nowadays it is also popular for jewellery. The workshops create exquisite jewellery with this precious mineral as the main protagonist. Our range includes a peridot necklace for women. It shimmers in an enchanting green colour. It looks perfect when accompanied by yellow gold. Stones with an intense colour are coveted and valued by collectors. Peridot is also used in the manufacture of quartz glass and refractory materials.

The peridot in jewellery

Peridot is one of the most spectacular and interesting gemstones used in jewellery. It is prized for its characteristic green colour and relatively high hardness, although it is a mineral that is less resistant to scratches than diamonds or sapphires. In ancient times, it was used to make talismans, today it is used for refined and luxurious jewellery. The artistically cut stones are most often set in rings, earrings and bracelets. You will also find a peridot necklace in our range. The colours of this natural mineral perfectly match the Victorian style, which is why many jewellery ateliers also create pendants inspired by this historic era. A unique gemstone with an olive green colour and unique shine makes the jewellery adorned with it mesmerising, eye-catching and extremely original. Its vibrant colour goes well with various precious metals such as gold and silver.

Chrysolite is one of the oldest known gemstones and was already used in Ancient Egypt. Due to its attractive colour, it is used for decorating jewellery and various decorations. Beautifully shaped and polished olivine crystals are appreciated by mineral collectors. This stone is often associated with strength and luck, as well as protection against evil spirits. It was believed that it improves health and well-being and also attracts money. Peridot is a beautiful mineral and its unique properties, symbolism and appearance make it a popular choice for jewellery designers.